Welcome to Essential Property

Over the last twenty years, thousands of investors in the UK have taken meaningful steps towards financial freedom through property. For some, financial freedom has meant supplementing their retirement income with income from a small buy-to-let portfolio. For others, it has meant building portfolios of a larger size and scale. That’s the journey that we at Essential Property have been on ourselves.

With the potential to add value, direct property investment is perhaps the most versatile asset class. But there’s also lots to learn and lots you need to know. At Essential Property, our mission is to help new and experienced property investors in their journey towards financial freedom. You can learn more about the resources we offer and the services we provide to our clients by clicking on the links below.

Essential Property Resources

Take a look at our property resource pages

Reading Lists

Reading Lists

Reading is perhaps the most efficient and inexpensive way to acquire new knowledge. Why not check out our suggested reading lists for new and experienced investors.

Build Your Team

Build Your Team

We have partnerships in place with a range of property advisers and professionals. We have relationships with great mortgage brokers and specialist property tax accountants.

Property Blog

Our Property Blog

Read the latest blog posts and articles from the Essential Property team at our property blog. There’s no better way to keep up-to-date with our latest thinking and ideas.

Property Data

Cutting edge property data and market analytics

Check out the PropertyData website

When it comes to property investment, the better you understand the market and the more informed you are, the better investment decisions you can make. At Essential Property, we’re proud to be partnering with PropertyData, the leading analytics tool for UK property investors and developers. Whether you are an experienced property developer or completely new to investing in property, PropertyData can provide you with the tools and data you need to make better investment decisions.

Watch the video opposite to find out more about their service. If you’re interested, you can check out the PropertyData website to learn more.

Subscriptions start at £14 pcm. They also provide a 14-day free trial.

The Essential Property Blog

Check out the latest from the Essential Property team

property strategy

How to choose the right property strategy

As Michael Porter said, “the essence of strategy is choosing what not to do”. At the heart of Porter’s view is the concept of trade-offs. In a world of unlimited resources, there would be no need for strategy. But we live in the real world. Our resources are limited, and eventually the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. So, we’re going to need a strategy, and quick. That’s what this post is about.

sipp commercial property

How to buy commercial property using a SIPP

As an actuary, I’m well aware that pensions don’t have the sexiest reputation. However, I do feel duty-bound to spread the word about pensions and the benefits they have to offer. In this post, we’re going to look at how you can use a SIPP to invest in property. By the end, you’ll have a much better idea how to harness the power of pensions to help you meet your property investment goals.

Below market value properties and the truth on BMV

The truth about below market value properties

There’s lots of talk in property circles about buying below market value (BMV) properties. This fascination with the BMV property deal appears to stem from the idea that buying below market value can help you grow your portfolio quicker by “baking in equity from day one”. In this post, we’re going to look at what a BMV property deal is, what it’s not, and how buying BMV can help you.

18 year property cycle uk

The 18 year property cycle and how to profit

This post is all about the property cycle and how to profit from it. Many people have heard of it. But lots of the discussions around it are either overly simplistic or overly definitive. In this post, I’m going to try to set the record straight. We’ll run through the basics of the property cycle, what it is, and why it happens. Then, we’ll look at some rules you can follow to take advantage of the property cycle.

property mentor uk

Do you need a property mentor to be successful?

If you’re just starting out in property, the idea of finding a mentor, someone who’s been where you want to go and who can help you get there, is appealing. There’s benefit in working with experienced investors, but there are also lots of sharks out there. In this post, we’re going to discuss property mentors, whether you need one, and when it makes sense to pay for a property coach.

using equity as a deposit

The truth about using equity as a deposit

If you bought a home a number of years ago, you may well have accrued a chunk of equity. You might also be thinking about using this equity as a deposit for future property deals. It’s a simple idea that property investors casually throw around. But how do you go about doing something like this and what are the keys to getting it right? We’ll take a look at all this and more in our latest post.

how to build a property portfolio in the uk

How to build a property portfolio more quickly

The biggest problem most people face when trying to build a property portfolio is a lack of funds. There’s no quick and easy fix for this. But there are strategies you can employ to stretch your capital further. In this post, we look at a technique that property investors can use to lower the capital they need. This is known in property circles as “buy, refurbish, rent out, and refinance” or BRRR.

what is the snowball effect meaning

Using the snowball effect to grow your portfolio

It’s not the sexist topic, but saving up for that first deposit is important. It’s important because the quicker you make it happen, the quicker you feel the benefits of compounding and the the “snowball effect”. In this post, we’ll look at how to calculate the amount you will need for your first deposit, where to stash your cash, and how the snowball effect starts to do some of the hard work over time.

buy to let property tax advice from a uk accountant

The property tax advice you need to succeed

Like it or not, the amount of tax you pay will affect your final investment profits. Getting set up with the right tax structure and getting the right tax advice is important. And starting out with the wrong tax structure could cost you hundreds or thousands of pounds each year in lost returns. In this post, we’re going to look at how you can work out which tax structure is right for you.

Full list of Essential Property blog posts

Property Blog – Posts 1 to 10

Essential Property Tools

Try out some of our tools and calculators

Essential Property - Mortgage Calculator

Mortgage Calculator

Our mortgage repayment calculator helps you to work out the mortgage repayments due on both interest only and repayment buy-to-let mortgages. Give it a go, then bookmark it.

Essential Property - Stamp Duty Calculator

Stamp Duty Calculator

Our stamp duty calculator for 2023 calculates the stamp duty land tax due on a residential property purchases for both UK and overseas property investors that are buying in the UK.

Essential Property - Rental Yield Calculator

Rental Yield Calculator

Our rental yield calculator is a tool designed for use on the go. You can use it to calculate the gross yield and capitalisation rate on UK residential property investments.