Best Property Investment Books | Top 10
Best books to kickstart your property investment journey
In this article, we take a look at the 10 best property investment books you can read to kickstart your property investment journey, as rated by the Essential Property team. These are all books we would recommend highly and which have shaped our own thinking over the years. Full disclosure, there are a few of our own books on the list too. We hope you’ll forgive us for this, as we really think our books fill a particular gap in the market.
All of the books we’ve included in this list are aimed at beginner or intermediate property investors. Therefore, whether you’re looking for your first property investment, or your 10th, we’re confident you’ll find something of value in these texts. If you get through them all, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the UK property market. You’ll also arm yourself with the knowledge you need to achieve your property dreams.
Most of the books in this list are priced at less than £30, so they are an inexpensive way to acquire the knowledge you need to start your property journey. It’s a cheaper option than signing up to some expensive course or seminar. You can even read most of these books for free with Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited free trial. Click on the books to see the latest reviews and prices on Amazon and look inside to find out about the contents.
Our Reading List
Click links to see latest reviews and prices
1. The Complete Guide to Property Investment – Rob Dix
“Over the last 20 years, more than a million Brits have made life-changing profits from buy-to-let. But as prices keep rising and the tax landscape changes, investors need to get smarter to succeed.
It’s far from ‘game over’, but the game is changing… for the better. The unwary and under-prepared will be squeezed from the market – leaving educated, strategic investors to have their best decade yet.
The Complete Guide To Property Investment gives you the insight, information and action plan you need to navigate this new property landscape and come out on top.”
Our view:
A straight-forward, detailed guide setting out the core skills and strategies you’ll need to succeed as a property investor in the UK.
If you’re new to property investment, this book is a great place to start. It walks readers through all the key parts of the investment process, from raising finance, deciding where to invest and finding deals, to refurbs, ongoing management, and deciding when to sell. The final part of the book on building a portfolio, the property cycle, and surviving a property crash are excellent.
It’s our favourite book to recommend for new property investors or for accidental landlords who want to improve their knowledge.
2. Property Investment for Beginners – Rob Dix
“Despite some ups and downs along the way, property has been one of the best investments of the last 20 years – and you’re convinced it could be your key to financial freedom.
And it could. But where do you start?
This book covers the big questions you should be asking yourself before you so much as glance at an estate agent’s window. It contains a jargon-free explanation of basic investment principles, summaries of the major post-crunch investment strategies, and advice on developing a mindset that will support long-term success.”
Our view:
A short, down-to-earth introduction to buy-to-let and property investment.
As its name suggests, this book is really a beginner’s guide to property investment. If you’ve never read anything about property before, then this is a great little book. But if you’ve read a couple of books before, you’re likely to have most of what’s in here covered, which includes an introduction to the basic investment principles, an overview of different strategies, e.g. buy-to-let, property flips, etc, and how to get the right systems and people around you to increase your chance of success.
One of the best property investment books, if you’ve never read a property book before.
3. Essential Property Investment Calculations – Robert Heaton
“Like any other form of investment, property investment is largely a numbers game. But there’s a big gap between the techniques used by individual investors in the residential buy-to-let market and the more disciplined, numbers-led-approach used by professional real estate investors. This book aims to bridge that gap.
Essential Property Investment Calculations is a guide to all the calculations, techniques and metrics you need to take your investing to the next level. Part One is about assessing property deals. It will teach you the calculations you need to find, finance and close property deals. Part Two is all about managing your portfolio. It will teach you how to measure returns and the KPIs you need to track and improve performance.”
Our view:
A simple, easy-to-read guide on how investors can put numbers and quantitative metrics at the heart of their investment decision making.
If you’re further into your property journey, or if you’re new to property but looking for a robust, numbers-based framework for assessing deals and managing your portfolio, this is the book for you. Part One is all about assessing deals, covering rental yield calculations, stress testing deal cash flow, valuations and financing. Part Two is all about managing a portfolio, including how to assess your returns, use KPIs to improve returns, and quantify and manage key risks.
One of the best property investment books on the market for understanding the numbers.
4. How to Save Property Tax 2023/24 – Carl Bayley
“How to Save Property Tax is widely regarded as the tax bible for property investors.
Written in plain English with numerous easy to follow examples and tax saving ideas, this book tells you everything you need to know about paying less income tax, capital gains tax and stamp duty on your property investments.
Essential reading for property investors and landlords, second home owners, and those renovating or developing property. It’s also
a great guide for accountants, solicitors and professional advisers.”
Our view:
Fantastic book for property investors looking to understand the tax rules and optimise their tax.
The Tax Cafe series of books is an excellent set of resources. This particular book focuses on the main property taxes. It has lots of great tips and advice useful for your tax planning, and it will help you to make sure you’ve set things up optimally at the start. Whether you’re a property investor, landlord, flipper or a trader, there’s lots of great tax advice here. It’s a must-have book.
A great book to read anytime in your property journey, but especially at the start. There’s a new edition each year with the latest tax rules.
5. Using a Property Company to Save Tax 2023/24 – Carl Bayley
“This unique guide tells investors everything they need to know about using a company to invest in property.
The potential tax savings are significant. In one case study, the author shows using a company could result in a 62% increase in your after-tax income. Tax relief on mortgage interest is now restricted for individuals, but this change does not apply to companies.
There are also drawbacks and traps to avoid when using a company. So, it’s essential to arm yourself with all the relevant facts. This guide looks at the whole picture and explains all the tax consequences of using a company.”
Our view:
A straight-forward, no nonsense guide to the tax consequences of using a limited company for your property activities.
Following the buy-to-let tax changes in the UK, more and more property investors are looking at whether they should use a limited company to invest. If you’re serious about building a larger property portfolio, this is a key decision you’ll want to get right. It will affect the tax efficiency of your investments for years to come and has all kinds of consequences for profit extraction.
One of the must-have property investment books, if you’re trying to work out what’s best for your tax position and your portfolio overall.
6. How To Be A Landlord – Rob Dix
“How To Be A Landlord is a straightforward guide to everything involved in letting and managing a property – whether you’re an accidental landlord or an enthusiastic investor.
It covers important steps like preparing the property to let, advertising for tenants, conducting viewings, doing all the paperwork, managing the tenancy, and dealing with any tricky situations that crop up.
Frequently updated and with contributions from over 50 experienced landlords, this is a current and comprehensive book on the subject.”
Our view:
A comprehensive, easy-to-read guide on how to let out and manage rental properties.
This is a fantastic book for anyone looking to self-manage their property portfolio. It’s also a great read if you’re new to property and want to make sure you get things right. It covers all the core aspects of letting out and managing your rental properties. There are chapters on getting the property ready and finding tenants. It also covers setting up, managing and ending your tenancies. There’s lots of great practical advice and tips to help you run investments profitably.
It’s a great book for property investors looking to self-manage or who like to get hands-on.
7. ABCs of Property Management – Ken McElroy
“So, you’ve made your real estate investment. Now the question is, how are you going to make it profitable? How will you maximise its potential and make it grow in value? …management.
Hundreds of thousands know bestselling author Ken McElroy as a real estate investment tycoon. In this book, Ken reveals the key to his success: exceptional property management. He teaches you the most important principles and keys to achieving success where others fail.”
Our view:
A book from the Rich Dad series that focuses on how to get property management right.
As you would expect from a book in the Rich Dad series, this book focuses on the US market. However, it provides lots of great advice that’s also applicable in the UK. It’s full of stories, so it actually gives you a feeling of what it’s like to be a property investor. It’s also hammers home that the difference between a great investment and a poor one is all in the management.
One of the best property investment books for getting a feel for what property is all about. It’s also great for encouraging creative thinking.
8. The Property Investment Playbook – Robert Heaton & Ye Feng
“There’s more to property than buy-to-let. It can take years to get to grips with the various strategies and longer still to master them.
The Property Investment Playbook is a course designed to shortcut that journey. It teaches you the typical ‘plays’ behind most property success stories and the techniques everyday investors are using to build profitable portfolios.
Volume 1 is aimed at new investors and those who’ve stuck to one main strategy in the past. Volume 2 is aimed at experienced investors or anyone that’s looking to learn more advanced property techniques.”
Our view:
A comprehensive overview of all the strategies and techniques you can use to build a property business that works for you.
The course is designed to take your knowledge from that of a new investor with little or no prior experience, to someone with a great overview of all the different strategies out there. Covers everything from the basics like how to save for deposits, how to use equity in your own home, and simpler investments like buy-to-let, holiday lets and serviced accommodation, to advanced strategies like buying off plan, HMOs and using BRRR to recycle your hard earned cash.
It’s one of the best property investment books out there for strategic thinking and creativity.
9. Mastering The Market Cycle – Howard Marks
“Economies, companies and markets operate in accordance with patterns which are influenced by naturally occurring events combined with human psychology and behaviour.
The wisest investors learn to appreciate these rhythms and identify the best opportunities to take action, transforming their finances.
This insightful, practical guide to understanding and responding to cycles – by a world-leading investor – is your key to unlocking a much better appreciation of how to make the markets work for you and multiply your money.”
Our view:
A wonderful introduction to market cycles of all kinds and how to use them in your investing.
Although not a property investment book per se, this book is a must-read. It’s a fantastic introduction to cycles. It includes chapters on economic cycles, credit cycles, property (real estate) cycles, and distressed debt cycles. The book teaches you how to use these cycles to your advantage in your investing activities and gives insights on investor psychology and risk.
One of the best property investment books for getting a macro picture of long-term trends.
10. Irrational Exuberance – Robert Shiller
“Nobel Prize-winning economist, Robert Shiller, warned us about the tech and housing bubbles. Now he’s cautioning us that signs of irrational exuberance among investors have actually increased since the 2008-9 financial crisis.
With stock and bond markets close to all time highs, Irrational Exuberance is as relevant as ever. Previous editions covered the stock and housing markets. This edition also covers the bond market, so the book now addresses all of the major investment markets.
No one whose future depends on a retirement account or other investments can afford not to read this book.”
Our view:
A truly wonderful book for understand investor psychology and market bubbles.
Robert Shiller, a Nobel Prize winning economist, shares with you his insights on market bubbles. This, the third edition of one of his most famous books, is an excellent read. It’s a cautionary tale of market excesses and the risks in store for you if you get your timing wrong. It’s not a property investment book, but there are insights in here that every property investor needs, if they want to survive over the long term.
A great book if you’re looking to understand the long-term trends in property and manage risks.
Best Property Investment Books – The Challenge
Ten books in ten months

Our challenge to new and experienced property investors alike is to see if you can get through the reading list above in just ten months. That’s right, we challenge you to read 10 of the best property investment books in 10 months. This is a personal development challenge you can start at any time of the year. It doesn’t have to be part of a New Year’s resolution and you don’t have to wait until January to start. You can start today.
We’re confident the reading list above contains all of the core ideas and essential knowledge every property investor needs. These books will teach you the strategies you need to succeed in property, the detailed day-to-day tactics you need to run your investments profitably, and the longer term perspective you need to spot where we are in the property cycle and to get the bigger macro decisions right.
If you decide to take on the challenge, best of luck. The knowledge you gain will be invaluable. The reading list above is broad and deep, and it will help take your skills to another level. And remember, you can read most of these books for free on Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited free trial.
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